

Gisela Solymos mentoria site oficial


As an entrepreneur and leader, I have learnt that leading a process or an organisation can be a very lonely and difficult journey. I have also learnt how important it is to have a safe space to freely share one’s concerns while reflecting on what’s happening and finding ways to face it. Thankfully, I have always had this space.


At the same time, I have always been sought after as a good listener and mentor, which gave me the privilege to witness great transformations in people’s personal and professional lives.

Now, I have decided to put together more than 40 years of psychological training and over 30 years of social entrepreneur experience to offer qualified listening and advising (mentoring) to those who need a free space to reflect, and to make difficult decisions in their works and/or in their personal lives.



How mentoring


Mentoring consists of a series of meetings for a determined and pre-agreed period of time which aims to address matters or concerns raised by the mentee.


Such meetings take place under a confidentiality agreement in order to establish a safe space for the exchange that will take place.


The mentee is then invited to start the process with a subject they have in mind. Topics are sometimes rearranged as the subject becomes clearer.

Although often mentees hold powerful positions, they can sometimes find themselves feeling out of control of an important dimension of their work or personal life and this requires careful listening so as to understand the complex nature of the problem to hand.


Our mentoring period will finish with a client feeling a sense of satisfaction that comes with better ordered ideas and a clearer understanding of the decisions needed to be made to make these ideas a reality. 



+55 (11) 98114-8584